Monday, 23 December 2013

Development of Land Adjacent to HESC

Barratt Homes has submitted a screening opinion request for the proposed development of land off Wolverton Road at Great Linford.

The request for the proposed development of land at Linford Lakes Wolverton Road, Great Linford, Milton Keynes comprising approx. 70 ha; is for :

  • up to 250 residential dwellings,
  • new accesses onto Wolverton Road and Little Linford Lane,
  • internal access roads, ancillary recreation/play space and incidental landscape areas;
  • creation of country park (approx. 59ha) and visitor centre together with car and coach parking for up to 200 vehicles,
  • new access and internal footpaths and access ways                                                          



  1. Blimey! Is this separate to, or instead of, the CP at Stanton Low? Did you consider putting the KFB on wheels so that it could be trundled from one location to another? On second thoughts, I'll raise my 'Blimey!' to 'Wtf?'

  2. Not sure how to respond, so feel free to pick from : Additional to, as well as or along with.

    Kinda knew it was coming - the CP part of this new development will (I suspect) be run by the PT - but I'm sure that will have absolutely no bearing on the planning application process, which I'm sure will as scrupulously fair as the day is long (what was last Saturday again?)

  3. Is this in the fields by the canal where the old church is? Surely that is protected in some way?

    1. It is the land between the Woverton Rd and the track leading down to HESC up to the point where the new Stanton Low Country Park starts and also around the Marle Inn. If you click on the link and the choose documents you can see a plan. This land is currently designated as open countryside and so should not be built on, however MKC have previously allowed such land to be developed
