Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Update on Appeal re Planning Application - 18/10/23

Letter from MK Planning Department 18/10/23


APPEAL BY Templeview Developments Limited
(1) Full application for the change of use of 68.65ha of agricultural land to a linear park and a new access road to the Linford Lakes Study Centre with associated works including the stopping up of the public road in Stanton Low and demolition of the Marle Inn; and (2) Outline application (matter of access to be considered, with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for up to 277 extra care apartments (Use Class C2); a care home providing up to 70 bedrooms (Use Class C2); up to 41 retirement bungalows (Use Class C3) and up to 196 homes (Use Class C3) with communal amenity space and other associated works.
AT Linford Lakes , Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes , MK14 6GH

EIA development (submission of new EIA information, 30 day consultation)

Appeal Reference: APP/Y0435/W/23/3321221

We are writing to advise you that the appellant for the appeal has submitted further EIA information, which the Inspector has accepted as part of the appeal documentation. He has asked me to notify of this and give you an opportunity to make comments on it. You have 30 days from the date of this letter (by 17th November 2023) to comment on the new information.

The new EIA information can be viewed at Public Inquiry – 21/02533/OUTEIS – Linford Lakes | Milton Keynes City Council (