Thursday, 11 May 2017

Annual General Meeting


Annual General Meeting
of Friends of Linford Lakes Nature Reserve
Wednesday 17th May, 2017
Start time 19:30hrs at the Centre at Linford Lakes Nature Reserve.
The Committee of the Friends Group would like to thank you for attending the 6th AGM. Please find the agenda below. The formal section will be followed by a short presentation from Phil Bowsher, Head of Environment, Volunteers and Education for the Parks Trust. There will then be an opportunity to mingle and enjoy some light refreshments. The evening is expected to conclude about 21:30hrs.
1) Welcome from Tony Bedford, Chairman.
2) Chairman’s Report.
3) Treasurer’s Report.
4) Election of officers.  The current officers have expressed their willingness to stand for election for another year:- Tony Bedford (Chairman), Pauline Studman (Treasurer), Janice Robertson (Secretary).

New committee members are needed and we would like to invite interested persons to make themselves known to committee members prior to meeting.

5) Phil Bowsher’s presentation,
6) Questions from floor, as submitted prior to meeting.

Followed by drinks and light refreshments.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Cuckoo, Cuckoo

An amazing first for LLNR today as a pair of Cuckoos were ringed as part of the ongoing programme of ringing being conducted at the site.

Many thanks to Kenny Cramer for recording the birds prior to release.